Read or Die Wiki

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Read or Die Media Archive

What are the details for preferred submission formats?

For fanfiction, should it be in Word? Text? HTML? Written on a napkin and scanned in? Is there any minimum or maximum required length? Any proofreading standards?

Format: Word, Text, HTML, PDF, any of these are fine. (I will be using Word to work with the files as I do my HTML coding by hand so I'd prefer Word or text)

Length: Long enough for me to recognize it as a Read or Die related story (have you seen some of those 5 word stories? They're pretty inventive, the good ones), short enough for someone to read it without losing interest. (Seriously, there are no real length requirements)

For fan art, is there a preference for file type? Is there a preferred minimum/maximum resolution and file size?

Art: A filetype that people can look at, but you might want to choice on that many people can look at. (I would prefer JPEG or GIF but different filetypes have different strengths and weakness so use one that makes your art look best).

File Size: No limit on the file size.

Also, since submissions are being emailed in, does the email receiver have a mailbox limitation on size of attachment (important for multiple submissions or if a high resolution graphic is being submitted)? Would it be better to zip and/or compress submissions?

Zipping: Zipping is suggested for keeping certain files together or keeping other files seperated but it's really not needed for file size limits.

Finally, I notice the fanfiction section at the site sorts fics only by author and by "relationship." Does that mean this is an archive for romance fics only?

Story Type: While stories at are sorted by author and relationship, that was only done to make it easier for looking for different relationship stories. Among other sections that are to be added include genre (like humor, horror, drama, etc.), alphabetical, and any other good sorting method that anyone can come up with (I want the archive to be really easy to browse).

Also, one of my fanworks is actually a poem. Is that accepted media?

Poetry is also an accepted media.

Where should I send my submissions to?

You can send your submissions to
